Saturday, October 26, 2013

Rubber Board Recruitment 2013 For Director, Junior Assistant at

Rubber Board Recruitment 2013:Rubber Board has notified vacancies for recruitment, in its centers, located in various places in country.
Position: Director, Junior Assistant, Assistant Accounts, Assistant scientist, Rubber Tapping Demonstrator
Posts Released: Total 63 posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 9, 300/- - Rs. 34, 800/- with 4,600 Grade Pay.
For detailed vacancy positions and pay scale structure visit

Educational Qualifications:
BE/B Tech for the post of Director
C A for Assistant Accounts etc
For details visit
Age Limit: 55 yrs to 27 yrs as applicable
 Visit website for details.

Selection Mode: Selection is, based on written Test and Interview.
Application Procedure: Applicant shall apply his application in online mode only by visiting official website
Applicant should fill application form carefully, cautiously and correctly with all the relevant details.
Applicant is, advised to keep print out of the application form to be, produced at the time of interview along with all other supportive certificates.
Closing Date:
Duly filled application form can be, submitted in online mode is, 12 – 11 –2012.
For any further assistance, please visit 

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