Saturday, December 14, 2013

About GATE Eligibility Criteria for GATE

 About GATE Eligibility Criteria for GATE:GATE we know as Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)  Graduate Aptitude Entrance Exam is a mandatory qualifying test for engineering graduates in India, for admissions into postgraduate engineering studies. Over the years, this GATE exam has evolved itself into benchmark qualifying exam for its test design and quality in assessing the understanding and comprehension of the student about in his subject domain.

Every year organizing IIT institute takes turns zonal wise and responsibility to administer GATE exam in co ordination with all IIT’s including IISc Bangalore, on behalf of National co ordinate board – GATE, Department of higher education of Human resources ministry government of India. Indian Institute of Science IISc Bangalore is designated IIT, Originally a Higher Research institute in Basic sciences and technology, under the department of science and technology, government of India.

Apart from the IIt’s all the Indian universities and technological universities has made GATE mandatory for admission into postgraduate courses in their respective universities and colleges. However, some universities conducts their own entrance test for postgraduate engineering courses, and such universities and colleges admit GATE qualify candidates bypassing the entrance exam.

IIT’s offer core engineering disciplines like, Computer science engineering and technology, Electronics and communication engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical engineering, Civil engineering, Bio Medical technology and other engineering disciplines etc.  IIT’s also offer courses in Humanities, including languages and sciences including both physical sciences and life sciences like, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry Animal sciences and plant sciences Biochemistry and food technology etc and PhD research fellowships.

Any engineering graduate and postgraduate in science is eligible to appear GATE exam. National co ordination Board GATE has decided to conduct GATE exam in online mode i.e. CBT Computer based  test for major disciplines in more than 100 all important centers in India. In online mode, CBT exam, computer selects objective type questions randomly and shuts off automatically when exam time completes.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering's GATE conducted through the constitution of 8 zones in Allover India and  The zones Lists details please visit bellow 

    About GATE Eligibility Criteria for GATE
  1. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
  2. Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
  3. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
  4. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
  5. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
  6. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
  7. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  8. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

GATE exam pattern includes answering offline mode on ORS optical response sheet for some engineering subject papers like Computer science, Electronics and communications, mechanical and instrumentation Engineering etc. GATE exam comprise single paper of 65 questions, which carry 100 marks. GATE scorecard will be, issued to all the qualified candidates, which is valid for next two years from the date of issue.

National co ordinate board GATE, role ends after issue of GATE scorecard. Candidate has to apply on his own in response to the respective institutes according to his choice of subject study. IIT’s have devised  unique method to calculate and award rank to qualified candidates, which is exclusive for  GATE exam only, and 25 marks out of 100 is cut off marks for qualify in GATE Exam.

Recently public sector units also recognized gate score as a benchmark standard for the recruitment. IOC Indian Oil Corporation was the first public sector company to offer direct employment opportunity for all the GATE qualified candidates on interview mode, without recruitment test. HPCL, NTPC, BHEL etc Navratna public sector units followed by entering in agreement with IIT’s and releases employment notifications exclusively for GATE appearing candidates as Engineering graduate trainees.

UGC provides scholarships for all the postgraduate students who qualified in GATE and many Research Institutes under Council for Industrial Research Institute; CSIR offers Research fellowships to GATE qualified candidates.

With increase in public sector employment opportunity as well as in private national and multinationals which offer employment based on GATE score, percentage of gate appearance has increased sharply in recent times with Andhra Pradesh topped with 22, 476 qualified candidates.
More details for GATE we know as Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)

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