Tuesday, March 17, 2015

12th Result 2015 / HSC Result 2015 All States Board Updates Available

12th Class/ HSC Result 2015: various states would conduct 12th class / HSC exam on every years, so those all boards going to release 12th result 2015 or HSC result 2015 in the month of may hence  all most all states are conducting their own state board exam for 12th class, as 12th class exams is the fundamental educational requirement as per the expedient of the students every state has established their own exam board and conducting the exam on every years in the month of march and April, as we know 12th class is the course of 2 years, and exams would be conducted for 1st years exams and second session is conducted for 2nd year students for all these exams state education board would calendar the year plan in the earlier on every academic year and accept the applications forms from all suitable candidates and the board would complete the application process separately for 1st year and 2nd years in the month of October and after he completion of application procedure, board would release the exam timetable in the month of December and admit cards in the month of January and make available on their own official websites, so participating candidates those who have applied for either 1st year and 2nd year exams can attend the exam session along with their admit cards and after the completion of exams the particular board would correct the answer scripts and release the results within 1 month of time span and the boards would give the course clearing certificates to the successful candidates, so candidates those who are connected to these boards exam can check the updates here.

Gujarat 12th class results 2015: Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB) is conducting 12th class/HSC exams in the state of Gujarat, for this academic year GSEB has conducted the12th class/HSC exams from 12th march 2015 to 27th march 2015 in various centers throughout the state and it is going to release Gujarat 12th class results on 2nd week of April 2015 and candidates can check the results at www.gseb.org

UP 12th class result 2015: Board of High School & Intermediate Education, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh would conduct the 12th class exams in the state of UP as like every year it has conducted the 12th class 19th February 2015 to 23rd march 2015 in various exam centers throughout the state UP and board is going to issue results on the first week of May 2015 so aspirants can check their results at upmsp.nic.in

Himachal Pradesh 12th class results 2015: Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education, Dharamshala will conduct the 12th class exams in the state of Himachal Pradesh and for this year it has conducted the 12th class exams from 9th march 2015 to 31st march 2015 and candidates can check their 12th class exam results at hpbose.org/

Mizoram 12th class result 2015: Mizoram Board of School Education conducts the 12th class is an authorized board to conduct the 12th class exams in the state of Mizoram, for this academic year it has conducted the 12th class exams 21st February 2015 to 17th march 2015 and it is going to announce the results in the month of may 2015 so aspirants can check the results from mbse.edu.in/

How to check 12th Result / HSC Result 2015

Aspirants must log on to the official website (their own state official board site)
Then find the way to the 12th class exam notification and click on it 
Then enter your college given registration number and date of birth and must click on submit option
Next page would display your board 12th class exam results 
Then take the printout of your results for further usage.

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