Saturday, March 21, 2015

Karnataka PUC Results 2015-Karnataka I First II PUC Results at

Karnataka I and II PUC Results 2015: Directorate of Government Examination (DGE), Karnataka is going to issue the Karnataka I and II PUC 12th class exam results in the last week of April 2015 and is going to make available on the official website of Government of Karnataka Department of Pre University Education at so all aspirants those who have appeared for these examination are advised to download the results from the official website, after the end of I and II PUC exams all appeared students are eagerly searching for results on web, so in order to provide these results made available to the students Karnataka board has evaluated the answer sheets as soon as possible and now it is all set to announce the results so as per official information we are update this news Karnataka I and II PUC 12th class exam results are going to announce in the last week of April 2015.

Karnataka PUC Results 2015-Karnataka I First II PUC ResultsDeclaration of Karnataka PUC Results 2015: as we know that Directorate of Government Examination (DGE), Karnataka board has conducted the I and II PUC exams from 12th march 2015 to 27th march 2015, As per official information nearly 7.35 lakhs students has productively downloaded the admit cards and has taken the final examinations at several center throughout the state of Karnataka, and after the completion of exams Karnataka State Board has corrected the answer scripts of I and II PUC 12th class as fast as possible and now it is all set to announce the results in the last week of 2015. So all appeared candidates are directed to stay tune to the official website for latest updates about Karnataka Board PUC exam results. 

How to check Karnataka PUC Results 2015-Karnataka I First II PUC

Candidates should log on to the official website of Karnataka Department of Pre University Education Board at

Then navigate to the Karnataka Board PUC examination notification and click on it

After getting the main page click on Karnataka Department of Pre University Education Board class exam results and click on it. 

Then enter your exam particulars such as registration number and click on submit tab
Next page will display Karnataka PUC /12th class examination results

Take the print out of your results for further usage.

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