Sunday, March 29, 2015

PSEB 10th Result 2015-Punjab School Education Board (PSEB 2015) at

PSEB Board 10th Class Results 2015: Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) is likely to announce 10th class exam results on the first week of May 2015 and make available on the official website of PSEB at so all students those who have taken Punjab School Education Board 10th class exams are advised to check their results from the official website, as we know Punjab School Education Board has conducted the 10th class exam from 10th march 2015 to 22 march 2015 as per information huge number of candidates has successfully take the examinations in various centers all over the state of Punjab, as per information 7 lakhs students has successfully take the 10th class examinations and after the end of examinations all participated candidates from day 1 are eagerly searching for the declaration of results, but students must wait for some more time such that Punjab School Education Board is going to announce 10th class exam results on the 1st week of may 2015.

Declaration of PSEB 10th class Results: as we know Punjab School Education Board has conducted the 10th class examinations 10th march 2015 to 22 march 2015 in various centers throughout the state of Punjab, and after the completion of 10th class examinations all appeared candidates are eagerly searching for the announcement of results, but as per official source totally 7 lakhs students has taken the examinations, as compared to the last year this number is high so its take some more time to evaluate the papers, that’s why Punjab School Education Board is taking some more time to announce the results but we are expecting Punjab School Education Board will announce 10th class exam results on the first week of May 2015 so all applicants are advised to follow the official website for latest updates on 10th class results.

How to check PSEB 10th Result 2015

Candidates should log on to the official website of PBSE at
Then click on PSEB 10th class exam 2015 click on it
After getting home page enter your registration number and click on it
Next page will be displayed with your PSEB 10th class results 
Then take the print out of your results for further usage

Contact Address and official website 

Punjab School Education Board
Vidya Bhawan, Phase-8, 
Sahibjada Ajit Singh Nagar (Mohali) Pin Code-160062

Phone No. 0172-3047444,445
Email ID -
Telephone Numbers of Officers
Important Email Address

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