Sunday, March 22, 2015

Telangana (TS) SSC / 10th Class Results 2015-SSC / 10th Class Results at,

Telangana 10th class / SSC Results 2015: Board of Secondary Education Telangana (BSETS) is likely to upload Telangana TS 10th Class Results 2015 or TS SSC results on the expected on 2nd week of May 2015 and in this month AP SSC Results 2015 Also Release so the both states students make accessible in the official website so all students those who have taken the 10th class exam are advised to check their results from the official website at, and as we know Board of Secondary Education Telangana (BSETS) has conducted the 10th class final exams from 25th March 2015 to 7th April 2015 in various centers throughout the state the of Telangana, as per source all most all enrolled candidates such as 5lakh have taken the exams and now all are eagerly searching for the results so the state government of Telangana is planning to released the results on the 2nd week of May 2015 so all students are advised to follow the official website for getting latest updates.

Telangana (TS) SSC / 10th Class Results 2015-SSC / 10th Class Results Declaration of TS 10th Class / SSC Results 2015 : after the state division of Andhra Pradesh this is the first time that the state government Telangana has conducted the SSC/10th class exams by their own and without any experience Telangana state government has done outstanding work to held these exam in the state and conducted the exams very successfully in various centers throughout the state of Telangana and now the board is busy in evaluating all these answer papers and it is getting ready to release the TS 10th Class/SSC exam-2015 results in the second week of May 2015.

About TS (Telangana) SSC or 10th Class Board: Board of Secondary Education of Telangana (BSEAP) is also known as the Directorate of Government Examinations. The board was established in the year 2014 under the state government of Telangana Honorable Minister of the state for secondary education acts as chairman and secretary to government, secondary education as vice-chairman of the board and the board is working as a self-governing body under the control of Telangana Department of Education. Now it is performs and implements various activities which comprise granting recognitions to schools, conducting examinations, planning of courses of study and providing direction to the subordinates, prescribing syllabus, granting affiliations to the school, providing support, private institutions and direction to all secondary educational institutions under its authority.

How to Check Telangana TS 10th Class / TS SSC Results 2015:

Candidates should log on to the official website of Board of Secondary Education of Telangana at

After getting home page navigate to the TS 10th class/SSC results tab and click on it
Then enter your roll hall ticket number and district name and all necessary details and click on submit tab

Next page would display your TS 10th class/ SSC exam results with all student particulars
Then take the printout of your TS 10th class/SSC exam results for future usage.

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