Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Telangana TS EAMCET 2015 Hall Ticket / Admit Card Download From www.tseamcet.in

Telangana TS EAMCET 2015 Hall Ticket / Admit Card Download From www.tseamcet.in: The Telengana EAMCET 2015 examination hall tickets are going to be issued by APSCHE with JNTU Hyderabad. The State Council for Higher education and government of Telengana is successfully completed the registration process for the EAMCET examination for the year 2015. It is a common entrance examination for the under graduate courses in Engineering and Medicine. The candidates can now download their hall tickets from the official website from 8nd may 2015 onwards till 12th may 2015. 

EAMCET is a common entrance test designated as Engineering, Agricultural and Medical Common Entrance Test of Telengana. This examination is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad for the entry in to the first year of the professional courses offered for the academic year 2015-16 in Telengana state. The examination is scheduled to be held on 14th May 2015 at different timings. 

The candidates those who have not applied until now can now register by paying the late fee before 5th May 2015. The procedure to download the hall tickets is given under in this website for the reference of candidates. 

Procedure to Download the TS EAMCET 2015 Hall tickets:

Telangana TS EAMCET 2015 Hall Ticket / Admit Card DownloadStep 1: Navigate the Webpage www.tseamcet.in
Step 2: Then select “hall tickets” tab from the home page
Step 3: Choose the group like BiPC or MPC.
Step 4: Enter the application or Reference ID 
Step 5: Then enter the capuche provided and click on “Submit” Button

The hall ticket will be displayed on the screen for the reference of test takers. It contains Photograph and student details with allotted examination center and time& date information. 

Name of Streams:
Ø Engineering- E
Ø Agriculture and Medicine –AM
Ø E& AM – Both streams 

The exam will be conducted separately for each stream on same date with different shifts. 

Courses Offered: 
There are various professional courses offered for the shortlisted candidates of EAMCET examination. 

1) Engineering, Bio technology,B tech Dairy tech, B Tech Agr Engg, B Pharmacy, B Tech , BSc and Business management
2) B Sc Ag / B Sc Hort
5) D- Parmcy

Important dates to remember:
Date of TS Eamcet Exam 2015: 14th May 2015
Time slots:
The exam will be conducted in two time slots.
10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
2:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Start date of download of hall tickets: 8th May 2015
Last date of download of hall tickets: 12th May 2015
  • Official Website to download hall tickets available soon at www.tseamcet.in

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