Monday, November 25, 2013

Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for Multi Tasking Staff MTS And Post Man, Mail Guard at

Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for  Multi Tasking Staff MTS And Post Man, Mail Guard at Punjab State Government Jobs like  Postal Circle has recently  released notification for  recruitment of 68 Multi Tasking Staff under  Group D employees Posts and  Punjab State  Postal Circle 190 Postman and  Mail Guard Posts Recruitment notifications for Punjab State candidates.
So Eligible and interested  candidates can apply this  Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for  68 Multi Tasking Staff jobs.
The candidates who want apply this Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 – 68 Multi Tasking Staff Posts those all are  they will be sending their applications before the application submission dates .
Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for  Multi Tasking Staff MTS And Post Man,Mail Guard at
1.Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 – 68 Multi Tasking Staff Jobs closing date on 27-12-2013.

Eligibility conditions for Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for 68 Multi Tasking Staff :

Age Limit: apply Candidate age must be between 18 to 27 years and more details like Age relaxations will be extended as per rules in Indian government moreover other full information please read full notifications at the official website mention bellow link.
Educational Qualification:  must possess Matriculation or equivalent or ITI who applied this recruitment.

candidate Selection procedure :   The candidates performance in the aptitude test so this is the most important part in the recruitment for Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013
 Fee details for Examination: deposit Examination Fee of Rs. 100. in a Post Office in Punjab .

Application sending procedure for this notifications:  fee receipt, self addressed envelope of size 9×4 with Rs 40/- Postage stamp in an envelope super scribed as “Application for the Post of MTS” through Speed Post/ Registered Post.
Applications sending address:
 The Director General (DE), 
Department of Posts, 
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi-1 10001
Important details for this Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 Notifications to apply candidates:
 Details of Punjab Postal Circle recruitment 2013 for 68 Multi Tasking Staff jobs
Number on jobs- 68.

Names of Division/ Unit:
A. Post Offices:
1. Chandigarh: 03 
2. Ludhiana (C &M): 18 Posts
3. Patiala: 01 
4. Sangrur: 01 
5. Amritsar: 01 
6. Bathinda: 01 
7. Ferozepur: 03 
8. Hoshiarpur: 03 
9. Jalandhar: 02 
10. Kapurthala: 04 

B. RMS Offices:
11. RMS LD Dn. Ludhiana: 10 
12. RMS ‘I’ Dn. Jalandhar: 12 

C. Administratice Officers
13. Circle Office, Chandigarh: 05 
14. PSD, Ludhiana: 04 

All the applied candidates if you want to more details please visit the official website

2. Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for Postman and  Mail Guard:Punjab State  Postal Circle 190 Postman and  Mail Guard Posts Recruitment notifications recruitment of 190 Postman and  Mail Guard recruitment notification  for  Eligible candidates so all the candidates they can apply this recruitment .
Punjab Postal Circle Vacancy Details:
Number of jobs for  punjab postal cricle recruitment 2013 for  190 Postman and  Mail Guard
Names of Division/ Unit:
A. Postman Cadre: 184

1. Chandigarh: 67
2. Ludhiana (C): 21
3. Ludhiana (M): 12
4. Patiala: 20
5. Sangrur: 05
6. Amritsar: 11
7. Bathinda: 03
8. Faridkot: 06
9. Ferozepur: 04
10. Gurdaspur: 08
11. Hoshiarpur: 08
12. Jalandhar: 12
13. Kapurthala: 07
B. Mail Guard Cadre: 06
14. RMS LD Dn. Ludhiana: 02
15. RMS ‘I’ Dn. Jalandhar: 04

 Eligibility conditions for Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2013 for Postman and  Mail Guard:Age Limit: apply candidate age must be between 18 to 27 years.

Educational Qualification:   10th class or equivalent from recognized board.

Selection procedure for this notification: based on their performance in the aptitude test in this examination.
Examination Fee:  deposit Examination Fee of Rs. 100/- in a Post Office in Punjab

So all the candidates if you want t0 more details like Applications sending procedure and how to apply for this notifications and more details please visit

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