Tata Institute of Social Sciences Recruitment 2013:Tata Institute of Social Sciences TISS was, established in 1936 as Sir Dorabji Tata Graduate School of Social Science. In 1944, it was, renamed as TISS Tata Institute of Social Science. In 1944 Government of India has declared this prestigious institution as Deemed to be University for its contribution to inter disciplinary social sciences education and creation of pool of eminent professional social work scholars.
TISS strives to create and impart quality education in interdisciplinary areas of social sciences by offering postgraduate and doctoral research programs.
Position: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Librarian, Coordinator and Research Associate, etc
Posts Released: Total 24 posts.
Pay scale:
Pay scales of different pay band are applicable accordingly, based on hierarchical position and responsibility of the job.
For detailed pay band structure, reservations and vacancy breakup check official website www.tiss.edu
Educational Qualification for Tata Institute of Social Sciences Recruitment:
Doctoral Degree (PhD) in relevant subject with, Good Academic record
For detailed qualifications and experience for each post, check the original advertisement notification by visiting website, www.tiss.edu
All positions carry mandatory work experience in similar capacity.
Selection Mode: Selection is, based on Interview mode only.
Application Fees:
Application Fees of Rs.1000/- in the form of demand draft drawn in favor of, Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai, from any national bank payable at Mumbai.
Fees exemption norms are applicable to eligible candidates.
Method of Submission for Tata Institute of Social Sciences Recruitment:
Applicant has to apply his application form in online mode only, by visiting official website www.tiss.edu
Applicant should fill his application form carefully, cautiously and correctly with all the relevant details.
Soft copy of acknowledgement of duly filled in application form should be, sent to The, Personnel section, Tata Institute of Social sciences , Mumbai – 88, well before the last date.
- Enclosures:
- Demand Draft
- SSC certificate for age proof
- Essential Qualification Certificate
- Professional Qualification certificate
- Caste Certificate
- Publications, Seminars, Academic achievements
- Experience Certificate if any
Closing Date:
Last date for, sending completed application form, along with relevant enclosures is, 29– 11 – 2013.
For any further assistance, please visit www.tiss.edu
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