Thursday, December 12, 2013

Railway Recruitment Board In North Central Railway Latest Recruitment 2014-15 for 388 available at

Railway Recruitment Board In North Central Railway Latest Recruitment 2013-14: North Central Railway, Jhansi issued a notification Apprentice Act, 1961 for the year 2013-14 in Wagon Repair Workshop. North Central Railway (NCR) is inviting applications from the eligible candidates for the (338) posts of Apprentice Training. Eligible and interested candidates can submit their applications before the closing date.
The following are the details of vacancy, age limit, Educational qualifications, application submission, Mode of selection and last date.

NCR North Central Railway Recruitment Brief Details:

Railway Recruitment Board In North Central Railway Latest Recruitment 2013-14

Vacancy details
Available vacancies: 388
Post wise vacancies:
1. Fitter: 195 posts
2. Welder (Gas & Electric): 102 posts
3. Mechanic Machine & Tool Maintenance: 19 posts
4. Painter: 32 posts
5. Machinist: 17 posts
6. Electrician: 17 posts
7. Crane Operator: 04 posts
8. Programming & System Administration Assistant: 02 posts

Eligibility Criteria for NCR:

Age Limit for this post:
The minimum age limit for the applicant is 15 years and maximum is 24 years as on 01-01-2014. Age relaxation may be available as per the Government rules.

Educational Qualifications for this post:
1.                  The candidate should have secured 50% marks in 10thClass or its equivalent (under 10+2) from a recognized board.
2.                  Candidate should have possessed ITI in related discipline from a recognized Industrial Training Initiate affiliated in order to NCVT.

Application Submission Procedure:
Candidates are advised to download the application format from the Official website. The candidate should fill the application form with in his/ her own handwriting. After filling all the mandatory information in the application form and once again make sure that no false is written, then enclose all the necessary testimonials and send it to the following address super scribing “Application under Apprentice Act, 1961 for the year 2013-14 in Wagon Repair Workshop, Jhansi North Central Railway” on the top of the envelope.

Wagon Repair Workshop,
North Central Railway,
Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh),
Pin Code-284003.

Mode of selection or selection procedure:
Selection process will be based on the Candidate’s merit score in 10thStandard. No written exam or interview is conducted as per the notification.

Last Date for Application Submission:
Last date for applying North Central Railway Recruitment is 27th December 2013 (27-12-2013)
All candidates if you want to more details please visit

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